Public Dashboard
Dashboard of station pages for publicly available data from buoys and other environmental monitoring stations. This website is accessible without any user sign-in and provides an intuitive display of complex environmental data. LimnoTech and Freeboard Technology jointly manage and operate this dashboard.
Smart Lake Erie Watershed Dashboard
Dashboard for data from the Smart Lake Erie Watershed Initiative, which is managed by the Cleveland Water Alliance. This data dashboard requires the creation of a free user account to access station pages and plotting tools.
Freeboard Technology IoT Data Portal
Portal for Freeboard Technology customers to access data dashboards for their sensors and stations. This suite of data tools is specially geared towards low-cost Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices.
LimnoTech IoT Data Portal
Portal for LimnoTech customers to access data dashboards for their sensors and stations. This suite of data tools is specially geared towards low-cost Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices.